Whenever I make this soup I always ask myself the same question: How can so few ingredients make such an indulgent and memorable dish? Tomatoes, garlic, bread and extra virgin olive oil are all you need to make the magic happen. Originally from Cordoba in Andalucia, Southern Spain ‘Salmorejo’ Tomato and Garlic Cold Soup is easily one of the best things to eat when the temperatures are soaring. Thick, rich and silky in texture from the extra virgin olive oil but pungent from garlic and bright in taste from those ripe tomatoes. I was lucky enough to eat this when I visited beautiful Cordoba a few years ago. This stunning city is full of Roman and Moorish architecture and influence. We were lucky enough to visit late Spring when the many tiny courtyards are full of an array of brightly colored flowers and their sweet heady scent. I remember sitting on the terrace of a tapas bar in Plaza del Potro after sunset and sharing ‘Salmorejo’ with my husband. The last spoonful went to him. We had a spoon fight for that final mouthful and yes, it was THAT good and yes, I lost the fight. 

Tomato and Garlic Cold Soup

Tomato and Garlic Cold Soup

  • Cook Time: 20 min prep 3 hours to chill
  • Persons: 4
  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Ingredients
  • 2 – 2.5 lbs ripe tomatoes
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 1/2 cups of day old baguette bread
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tpsp salt
  • To Garnish:
  • 1 boiled egg
  1. Instructions
  2. Start by washing the tomatoes. Then cut them into quarters and remove the hard inner core.
  3. Peel and roughly chop the garlic clove.
  4. Place the tomatoes and garlic in a blender and blend on high until all skin is broken down for around 2 minutes.
  5. Place a sieve over a bowl and strain the mixture to remove the seeds and any skin that hasn’t broken down.
  6. Now remove the inner part of baguette bread (you can use the crust part if it is soft enough but not don’t use it if crusty).
  7. Submerge the bread in the tomato mixture and leave to soak for 10 minutes.
  8. Place the mixture back into the blender and add 1/2 tpsp of salt. Blend until smooth.
  9. Now very gradually drizzle the oil into the mixture whilst the blender is still on. This should take a minute or 2. 
  10. When you are happy with the texture that should be thick and silky smooth, then taste again for salt. Add a further 1/2 tpsp if needed.
  11. Chill in refrigerator for 3 hours.
  12. To serve top with a finely grated or chopped boiled egg and drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Top Tips

  • Use the ripest tomatoes you can find as it makes a huge difference to the taste. Although this is traditionally made with Pear Tomatoes, use any tomatoes that are ripe and fragrant. 
  • This is traditionally served with torn or diced slices of ‘Jamon Serrano’ Serano Ham along with chopped or grated boiled egg in the middle. Either way you decide to serve the soup it will still be delicious!
  • ‘Salmorejo’ is not like ‘Gazpacho’. The texture of this Tomato and Garlic Soup should always be thick and smooth. It should be served in a bowl and eaten with a spoon. Where as ‘Gazpacho’ is much thinner in texture and can be drunk from a glass.

Tomato and Garlic Cold Soup – Salmorejo

Silky smooth, rich and creamy but bright and refreshing on a hot summer’s day ‘Salmorejo’ Tomato and Garlic Cold Soup hits all the right notes. A breeze to make and with so few ingredients too. Serve this as a light lunch or supper or for an easy but impressive make-ahead dinner party appetizer.