‘Ensaladilla Rusa’ literally means Russian Salad. However, this salad couldn’t be more quintessentially Spanish. There is nothing more rewarding than sitting on a terrace of a bar in the summer and sharing a tapas of very cold ‘Ensaladilla Rusa’ washed down with a icy ‘caña’ beer. We eat this a lot at home. It’s so simple, cheap and quick to make. It is luscious and creamy from the mayo, eggs and potatoes but tangy from the olives and refreshing from the pop of peas and carrots.  I have made many versions of this but our family favorite is using all things tinned! Such a versatile dish, it is perfect for a pot luck, a great addition as a side to any grill and makes a tasty sandwich filling too. If you are looking to make this for a cocktail party then serve it as a ‘pintxo’ pincho. Place the cold ‘ensaladilla´ in a heap on top of sliced baguette. Buen Proveche!

Russian Salad

Russian Salad

  • Cook Time: 15 mins to prepare and 3 hours to chill
  • Persons: 8
  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Ingredients
  • 1.5 cups of good quality mayonnaise (I use olive oil mayo)
  • 4 cups of chopped tinned potatoes (x2 15 oz tins)
  •  2 cups of tinned peas (x1 15 oz tin)
  • 2 cups of tinned carrots (x1 15 oz tin)
  • 2 cups of good quality tinned tuna (I use tuna in olive oil)
  • 1 cup of pitted and sliced green olives (I use olives in vinegar)
  • 2 chopped boiled eggs
  • 1/2 tpsp black pepper
  • salt at end to taste
  • To Garnish
  • 1 hard boiled egg grated finely
  • A handful of finely sliced green olives
  • A sprinkle of dried parsley
  1. Instructions
  2. Start by hard boiling 3 eggs. Leave to boil in water for 8 minutes. Remove from heat and leave to cool before you peel them.
  3. Meanwhile in a large sieve open and drain the tinned potatoes, pea and carrots. Place all the vegetables in a large mixing bowl.
  4. Add the tuna and chopped green olives.
  5. Add the mayonnaise and grinds of black pepper.
  6. Chop 2 of the cooled hard boiled eggs and add to the mixing bowl.
  7. Mix gently but well to combine fully. 
  8. Taste for salt now and add it if needed.
  9. Cover and chill for at least 3 hours but ideally over night. 
  10. Grate the remaining hard boiled egg and finely chop a handful of green olives.
  11. When ready to serve transfer the mixture to your serving dish and decorate with the olives, egg and dried parsley. 

Top Tips

  • This is best served very cold. Its needs at least 3 hours to chill in the fridge before serving. Ideally you make it the day before serving so it can chill over night in the fridge. 

Russian Salad – Ensaladilla Rusa

Few dishes are as satisfying as ‘Ensaladilla Rusa’ Russian Salad when the temperature is rising outside. Creamy and briny with pops sweet of vegetables this tapas classic can be adapted to fit any occasion.