‘Ensalada de Cogollos con Anchoas’ Romaine Lettuce Heart and Anchovy Salad is a crisp, salty and sweet salad that is great served alone with hunk of bread for a light lunch or supper but also makes a fabulous appetizer or an elegant side dish. I was lucky enough to first try this salad many years ago in Navarra, Northern Spain when my husband and I were heading back to Madrid after touring the North. I clearly remember loving the contrast of the firm and slightly bitter, crunchy lettuce with the sweet peppers, salty anchovies and rich ‘bonito’ tuna fillets. This is traditionally made with ‘Cogollos de Tudela’ which are firm but small Romaine lettuces with green outer leaves but slightly yellow interior. I use organic Romaine Hearts from the local store which make an excellent substitute. We eat this salad a lot at home, especially in the summer when we need something light and refreshing to eat in the searing heat of Austin! 

Romaine Lettuce Heart and Anchovy Salad

Food Recipe

  • Cook Time: 10 min
  • Persons: 4
  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Ingredients
  • For the Salad
  • 4 fully washed Romaine Heart Lettuces 
  • 1 cup of good quality tuna fillets in olive oil
  • 8 good quality anchovy fillets in olive oil
  • 1/4 small onion peeled and very finely sliced
  • 8 slices (cut into strips the size of the anchovy fillets) of red pepper in olive oil
  • For the Dressing
  • 1 tbsp anchovy oil
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbsp vinegar (I use sherry vinegar)
  • A few grinds of black pepper
  1. Instructions
  2. Remove the floppy outer leaves of the Romaine Heart so you are left with the firm interior of the lettuce. 
  3. Wash the heart and cut in half. arrange on your serving dish.
  4. Peel and finely slice 1/4 of a small onion.
  5. Open the jarred or tinned tuna and drain off excess oil. Divide up the fillets equally and place on top of the lettuce. Try to keep as whole as possible.
  6. Open the jar of peppers and remove 2 peppers (depending on their size). Cut into each pepper into 4 slices. place on top of each lettuce. 
  7. Open the jarred or tinned anchovies and reserve 1 tbsp of the oil to make the dressing. Place an anchovy fillet on each lettuce.
  8. Sprinkle the thinly sliced onion over the salad.
  9. Combine the anchovy oil, extra virgin olive oil, vinegar and black pepper in a bowl. Whisk to make a dressing. Add salt to taste.
  10. Pour over the salad when you are ready to serve.

Top Tips

  • This serves 4 if each guest has one whole lettuce heart. If you want to serve this as a side dish then half a lettuce is good for one person. So the above recipe would serve 8 people as a side dish. 
  • This lettuces can be arranged in a line on a rectangular plate or in a circle on a circular plate. Either choice looks good and makes a very elegant and clean start to any meal should you have guests. Each guest can serve themselves their own half of a heart. 
  • Watch the salt content with this one! I often add no extra salt because the anchovies in the salad and dressing provide all the salt I need. 

Romaine Lettuce Heart and Anchovy Salad – Ensalada de Cogollos con Anchoas

Sweet, salty, fresh and punchy. ‘Ensalada de Cogollos con Anchoas’ Romaine Lettuce Heart and Anchovy Salad is a perfect way to start an elegant summertime dinner party or light alfresco lunch.