Nothing beats the combination of shrimp and garlic! ‘Langostinos al Horno’ Oven Baked Shrimp brings back so many good memories of hot summers by the coast of Spain where these shrimp would be cooked ‘a la plancha’ on the grill in the ‘chiringuitos’ beach bars. I love nothing more than anything grilled and especially smothered in garlic. However, when the weather doesn’t co-operate but you are craving shrimp (and you don’t fancy the entire house smelling fishy from grilling indoors), then this IS the recipe for you. My family like to savor the entire shrimp. That means sucking all those sweet, briny juices out of the heads! We are so lucky here in Austin to have some of the best shrimp in the World. Gulf Shrimp. They are huge and meaty but their flavor is sweet and quite subtle. I like to serve this as a very quick and easy appetizer at the start of a dinner party. But you do have to know your company well as peeling the shrimp means getting quite messy. I give each guest an individual bowl of warm water with a quarter of a lemon and small towel to clean their hands. Time to get messy! 

Oven Baked Whole Shrimp with Garlic

Oven Baked Whole Shrimp with Garlic

  • Cook Time: 5 min to prepare 10 min to cook
  • Persons: 4
  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Ingredients
  • 1.5 Fresh whole shrimp 
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 fresh lemon
  • Handful of fresh parsley
  • 1/2 tpsp coarse grain salt
  1. Instructions
  2. Preheat oven to 350F.
  3. Pat dry the shrimp and remove the long antennae.
  4. Place shrimp on a baking tray that has been greased with half of the oil.
  5. Brush the other side of the shrimp with the remaining oil.
  6. Crush the garlic cloves and sprinkle over the shrimp along with the salt.
  7. Bake at 350F for 10 minutes. 
  8. Remove from oven and place on a serving dish. Squeeze over lemon juice from half a lemon and sprinkle over chopped parsley.
  9. Serve and enjoy!

Top Tips

  • You can use frozen shrimp for this recipe but it works better with fresh shrimp. If the shrimp are frozen they need to be whole.
  • This recipe works perfectly on a grill too. Follow all the instructions but use your grill to cook them. Depending on the temperature of your grill and size of your shrimp the cooking time will vary. The shrimp are cooked when they are pink and not opaque. When you see the shrimp oozing its’ juices then it is cooked!

Oven Baked Whole Shrimp with Garlic – Lagostinos al Horno

So simple to prepare, quick to cook and makes an easy and impressive appetizer or real treat for supper – ‘Langostinos al Horno’ Oven Baked Whole Shrimp with Garlic.