This literally tastes like summer. Served in all good cafes, bars and ‘heladerias’ ice cream stores through out Spain ‘Granizado de Limon’ Lemon Slushy. I know that the sunshine season has finally arrived when I get asked to make these refreshing and zesty iced drinks. They take minutes to prepare, only 2 ingredients and a few hours to freeze to then be poured into a big glass and sucked with a straw. The tastiest way to up your vitamin C this summer. In my experience kids love to help with this recipe, especially breaking up the lemon iced mixture to ensure the drink is truly slurpable once frozen sufficiently. 

Lemon Slushy

Lemon Slushy

  • Cook Time: 15 min prep 4 hours freeze
  • Persons: 4 full glasses
  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Ingredients
  • 8 fresh lemons (yellow rind of 4 and enough juice for 1 cup)
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 6 cups of water
  1. Instructions
  2. Wash 4 lemons and dry well. Finely grate the yellow rind of two lemons and reserve in a small pan.
  3. Now juice all 4 lemons into the pan with the peel to make at least 1 cup of fresh juice.
  4. Add the sugar to the lemon mixture and heat on high for 5 minutes to reduce the lemon and intensify flavor and dissolve the sugar.
  5. Remove from the heat and transfer to a bowl or container and mix in all the water.
  6. Place in the freezer for at least 4 hours. Mix the iced lemon after 1 hour with a fork or a whisk to break up any big lumps of ice and then every hour after that (more or less) until you are happy with the texture.
  7. Mix well before serving in a tall glass with a straw.

Top Tips

  • Be sure to only grate the yellow lemon peel and not the white part as it’s very bitter and will ruin the final taste.
  • You can strain the lemon and sugar mixture over a sieve before mixing with water if you would like a smooth finally taste.
  • You can change the citrus up here and use fresh limes or oranges. Both are absolutely delicious! 
  • Want to make a strictly adult version of this refreshing iced drink? Add a glug of vodka in each glass before serving. Decorate each glass with a slice of lemon.

Lemon Slushy – Granizado de Limon

The most refreshing drink to slurp in searing summer heat ‘Granizado de Limon’ Fresh Lemon Slushy. It’s that first sip that is the most prized. Cool and crunchy with crushed ice, zesty and refreshing with fresh lemon and sweet with sugar. Get your straws at the ready!