When I close my eyes and dream of eating tapas on a summer’s evening in the center of Madrid ‘Patatas Alioli’ Garlic Mayonnaise Potato Salad is one of the first dishes that pops into my head. Tender and creamy potatoes are smothered in pungent, rich garlic mayonnaise that is bright with lemon and fresh parsley. Garlic Mayonnaise Potato Salad is the perfect dish to prepare ahead if you are hosting a tapas evening. Also a versatile side dish for a grill and always a hit at a summer potluck. Who could ask for more from a tapas dish? ‘Patatas Alioli’ is so cheap and easy to make with very few ingredients. All that is required once chilled and served is a good hunk of bread and an ice cold beer. Salud!

Garlic Mayonnaise Potato Salad

Garlic Mayonnaise Potato Salad

  • Cook Time: 50 mins 3 hrs chill
  • Persons: 4-6
  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Ingredients
  • 4 large potatoes (I use Yukon Gold)
  • 1 cup of light olive oil 
  • 1 fresh egg (organic) *
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tpsp salt
  • Handful of parsley sprigs
  1. Instructions
  2. Start by boiling enough water with 1 tbsp of salt in a large pot to cook the potatoes.
  3. Place the potatoes skin on in the boiling water and boil until tender (these potatoes took 45 minutes).
  4. Meanwhile prepare the Garlic Mayonnaise.*
  5. Once the potatoes are tender drain and leave to cool.
  6. Peel off the skins and dice the potatoes into inch sized pieces.
  7. Finely chop the parsley and combine with the garlic mayonnaise.
  8. Combine the mayonnaise with the potatoes.
  9. Chill in refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
  10. Serve and enjoy!

Top Tips

  • * Contains raw egg. Not suitable for all and must be kept refrigerated.
  • It is important not to cut up the potatoes before boiling nor to peel them. If the potatoes are peeled or diced before boiling they absorb too much water. The final salad will be lacking in flavor and watery. 
  • You can of course make this with a ‘cheat’s garlic mayonnaise’. Simply mix well one cup of good store bought mayonnaise with 1 clove of crushed garlic, a good squeeze of lemon and a pinch of salt.
  • This salad is delicious with baby potatoes. Baby potatoes take only 15 minutes to boil. The skins will slip off nicely once cooled. I particularly love making this potato salad with tricolor baby potatoes. The final dish looks so pretty with all those colors.

Garlic Mayonnaise Potato Salad – Patatas Alioli

‘Patatas Alioli’ Garlic Mayonnaise Potato Salad, an ice cold beer, warm summer evening and good company. One of life’s simple pleasures. Creamy and tender potatoes are bathed in rich, pungent garlic mayonnaise with a bright citric finish. The easiest and tastiest potato salad that is perfect for an alfresco lunch or balmy ‘tapas’ style evening meal.