When I announce that ‘Arroz a la Cubana’ Cuban Style Rice is for supper I am rewarded with fist bumps in the air. My girls especially love this dish. Fluffy white rice is topped with sweet, rich fried tomato sauce and a creamy fried egg. ‘Arroz a la Cubana’ is even more delicious when paired with a side of fried sweet plantains. I previously simply peeled the plantains, sliced them down the middle and fried them in oil for a few minutes on either side and topped with a sprinkling of salt. However, after recently visiting Miami, Florida where great authentic Cuban food can be found on every street corner, I tried ‘Tostones’ for the first time. ‘Tostones’ are smashed and twice fried sweet plantains. The crunch and sweetness of these gorgeous plantains make the perfect accompaniment for Cuban Style Rice. They are now an obligatory side in my house every time ‘Arroz a la Cubana’ is on the menu. 

Cuban Style Rice with Plantain Chips

Cuban Style Rice with Plantain Chips

  • Cook Time: 45 min
  • Persons: 4
  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Ingredients
  • 1.5 cups of long grain rice 
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cups of fried tomato sauce
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 plantain
  • Generous sprinkling of salt
  1. Instructions
  2. Start by preparing the fried tomato sauce. (I like to have this pre-prepared.)
  3. Whilst the tomato sauce is reducing/heating up, boil 3 cups of salted water in a pan to cook the rice.
  4. Once water is boiling add the rice and reduce heat to a simmer. 
  5. Simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and place lid on top of pan.
  6. Leave rice with lid on until ready to serve.
  7. Peel the plantains using a knife and chop up into 1 inch thick pieces. Heat oil in a frying pan on medium/high. Fry the plantains for 2 minutes on each side. 
  8. Remove for the oil and place on to a chopping board covered with a paper towel. 
  9. Squash down each plantain with the flat end of a meat tenderizer until flat.
  10. Heat the oil again to medium/high and re-fry the squashed plantain pieces until golden brown and crispy. Remove from oil and leave on a paper towel. Cover with a sprinkling of salt.
  11. If you did pre-prepare the fried tomato sauce reheat it in small pan for a few minutes until warmed through.
  12. Meanwhile heat 1 tbsp of olive oil in a frying pan over medium/high heat. When the oil is hot enough crack in the eggs. Fry for 2 minutes basting with the oil as they cook to ensure the middle white of the egg is cooked through.
  13. Remove the lid covering the rice and fluff up with a fork.
  14. Place the rice in a round mold to serve. Top with fried tomato sauce and place the fried egg and plantains at the side.
  15. Serve and enjoy!

Top Tips

  • This recipe is made up of several components that do need to be cooked separately which can mean preparing this dish a bit of a balancing act. I like to make it when I already have the fried tomato sauce made ahead of time. 
  • Not keen on fried eggs? Try with a poached egg. Equally delicious!

Cuban Style Rice with Plantain Chips – Arroz a la Cubana con Tostones

‘Arroz a la Cubana’ Cuban inspired rice dish served up and eaten all over Spain, hugely popular with kids. Fluffy white rice, rich and creamy fried egg with sweet and bright fried tomato sauce and a side of ‘Tostones’ sweet and crunchy plantains. That is my best take on it!