This classic Spanish salad just screams of summer. ‘Ensalada Campera’ Country Style Salad makes for the perfect informal lunch, pot luck summer dish or fabulous side to accompany any grill. This is a dish that is regularly rolled out for a crowd when we do a big family get-together in the summer. Fresh pops of sweet and fragrant tomato, onion and pepper are combined with creamy potatoes and egg that contrast beautifully against the briny olives, meaty tuna and tangy, citrus dressing. A perfectly simple but delicious meal in itself or a substantial and tasty side. This is always appreciated greatly at a pot luck or ideal for a summer picnic (well, not in Austin though. It’s too hot to picnic here in the summer!)

Country Style Salad

Country Style Salad

  • Cook Time: 30 mins to prepare and 2 hours to chill
  • Persons: 6
  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Ingredients
  • 4 large potatoes
  • 4 ripe tomatoes
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 red pepper
  • 4 eggs
  • 8 oz of good quality tuna (or 2 small tins)
  • 1/2 cup of green olives
  • 1/2 extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbsp vinegar (I use sherry vinegar)
  • 2 tpsp fresh lemon juice
  • A few grinds of black pepper
  • 1/2 tbsp salt
  1. Instructions
  2. Start by boiling water in a deep pan.
  3. Peel, wash and cut potatoes into fourths.
  4. Peel and finely dice the onion.
  5. Wash, de-seed and remove membrane from peppers. Then finely dice.
  6. Wash and remove hard inner core of tomatoes and then cut into large chunks.
  7. Cut olives into thirds.
  8. Open and drain tuna well.
  9. Put all these ingredients except for the raw potatoes into a large boil and combine.
  10. Once water is boiling add the potatoes and eggs.
  11. Boil eggs until hard boiled for 8 minutes. Then remove and leave to cool.
  12. Continue to boil potatoes for a further 10 minutes or until tender but not mushy and over cooked!
  13. Drain the potatoes and leave to cool.
  14. Remove shell and chop 3 eggs into chunks.
  15. Chop remaining boiled egg into fourths.
  16. Chop the potatoes into generous chunks.
  17. Add egg, potatoes, black pepper and salt into the large bowl with the other ingredients.
  18. Whisk up a dressing using the oil, vinegar and lemon juice.
  19. Pour over salad in the bowl and combine well. Check for salt and acid: If tastes bland then add a pinch more salt. If tastes too rich then add a touch more vinegar and lemon juice.
  20. Mix well. Leave to chill for at least 2 hours in refrigerator. 
  21. Serve with the hard boiled egg wedges on top. 

Top Tips

  • This is best served very cold. Its needs at least 3 hours to chill in the fridge before serving. Ideally you make it the day before serving so it can chill over night in the fridge. 

Country Style Salad – Ensalada Campera

One of the most versatile salad dishes I know ‘Ensalada Campera’ Country Style Salad. Creamy potato and egg are combined with bright tomatoes, peppers and onions, briny green olives, along with a tangy dressing to make a perfect picnic, pot luck or side dish that would make a fabulous addition to any occasion.