I used to make ‘Natillas’ Cinnamon Custard Pudding so often when my girls were much younger. It is a pudding that is just too easy to make and to eat! Creamy and rich from the egg custard but bright with lemon, aromatic and warm from the cinnamon. You will find this pudding in restaurants up and down Spain in every region. It is such a breeze to make and requires very little ingredients nor cooking. A fabulous desert to get prepared ahead of time when you have guests over. ‘Natillas’ will sit sit very happily for a day or two just chilling in the refrigerator. Although it is traditionally served in an individual clay dish, I present to you a fun sharing version. My family love a giant sized desert presented in the middle of the table at the end of a good meal with lots of spoons for sharing (or should that be dueling!). The ‘Galletas Maria’ Maria Cookies garnish on top are completely optional but always expected in my house. Get those spoons at the ready!

Cinnamon Custard Pudding

Cinnamon Custard Pudding

  • Cook Time: 30 min to cook 3 hours to chill
  • Persons: 4
  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Ingredients
  • 2 1/4 cups of whole milk
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1/3 cup of sugar
  • 1 tbsp corn starch 
  • Rind of 1/2 lemon (yellow part only)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Sprinkle of cinnamon
  • Optional Garnish:
  • 3 or 4 ‘Maria’ style cookies
  1. Instructions
  2. Start by grating yellow rind off half a lemon and placing in milk in a pan along with a broken cinnamon stick.
  3. Heat on high until the milk starts to simmer and then remove for heat and let flavors infuse for 10 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile separate 3 egg yolks and add the sugar and cornstarch into a large bowl. Whisk on high until light in color and creamy.
  5. Strain the milk mixture over a sieve into a jug. 
  6. Using a large bowl gradually add the infused milk to the egg mixture whilst whisking continuously. 
  7. Place the entire mixture into a large pan. Stirring continuously heat on medium for around 12 minutes until thick custard forms. (Wait for the foam to turn into a think liquid but keep stirring. We do not want scrambled eggs!)
  8. Pour the mixture into the dish or dishes and chill in refrigerator for at least 3 hours. 
  9. Place cookie on top once chilled and sprinkle with cinnamon before serving.

Top Tips

  • If you would like to top this with the traditional cookies but can’t fine them substitute with any sweet plain cookie on top. 
  • When using the lemon rind to infuse the milk be sure to cut only the yellow part. The white part of the rind is very bitter indeed.
  • Not a fan of cinnamon? Leave it out completely and up the quantity of lemon rind. Use the rind from 1 whole lemon to infuse the milk. You will rewarded with the most zesty lemon custard cream. Top with a little finely grated lemon rind to serve.

Cinnamon Custard Pudding – Natillas

Cool, rich and creamy, zinging with lemon but warm with cinnamon ‘Natillas’ Cinnamon Custard Pudding is the perfect sweet finish to any meal. A breeze to make, little cooking and few ingredients needed. Get those spoons at the ready!