The easiest one pot wonder chorizo dish on the planet and so worth the wait. ‘Chorizo a la Sidra’ Chorizo with Cider is a very simple Asturian tapas dish that is like having a warm hug in a bowl. Although traditionally made in Spain with Asturian cider, which is always poured from a height and is earthy and funky tasting, a good quality dry cider from the store achieves a similar taste. The chorizo is slowly simmered in dry cider along with bay leaves until the sausage is tender and the cider becomes a luscious, sweet sauce. This is a great dish to make the day before and then heat up when you are ready to eat the following day. 

Chorizo with Cider

Chorizo with Cider

  • Cook Time: 45 min
  • Persons: 4
  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Ingredients
  •  1 lb of fresh chorizo sausage (Spanish chorizo)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 cups of dry cider or enough to cover the sausage completely
  1. Instructions
  2. Place chorizo in pan with bay leaves and pour over the cider. Turn up heat to high.
  3. Boil for 2 minutes and then turn heat down to medium/low to a simmer. During the simmering occasionally turn the sausages.
  4. Simmer for 40 minutes. 
  5. Leave to cool and then remove the chorizo and cut up into 1 inch thick pieces.
  6. Serve with the sauce spooned over.

Top Tips

  • Do not pierce the chorizo before nor during the cooking process. All the juices from the sausage will end up in the sauce and will result in dry chorizo.
  • This is great served too as a ‘pinxto’. Cut the chorizo into a slightly larger size: 1.5-2 inches and served warmed on sliced baguette bread.

Chorizo with Cider – Chorizo a la Sidra

The delicious one pot wonder tapas star – ‘Chorizo a la Sidra’ Chorizo with Cider. Sweet and sticky cider sauce with chunks of soft and smoky chorizo sausage inside.