These are an all time family favorite. This is the dish that we all used to crave when we left Spain to head home. ‘Croquettas de Pollo’ Chicken Croquettes are the most indulgent way to start a party, family meal or just to snack on. These Chicken Croquettes are golden and crunchy on the outside but rich and creamy in the center with pops of succulent chicken threaded throughout. An all round crowd-pleaser! The beauty of this recipe is that just one chicken breast left over from a family roast chicken dinner is all the meat you need to make these cylinders of delight. What I love even more about this dish is that you can make it ahead of time. The croquettes freeze beautifully: fried (or ready to fry), and reheat perfectly in the microwave. Traditional ‘croquetas’ are always made with a thick bechamel sauce. The recipe here is no exception and makes one huge batch. Why don’t you get your little people in the kitchen to help form them into their classic cylindrical shape and breadcrumb them? Kids LOVE helping out with this!

Chicken Croquettes

Chicken Croquettes

  • Cook Time: 45 min prep filling 5 hrs to chill 30 min form and fry
  • Persons: Makes 32 for 8 people (4 per person)
  • Difficulty: Moderate

  • Ingredients
  • For the Filling
  • 1 3/4 cups of shredded roasted chicken 
  • 1 onion peeled and finely chopped
  • 4 cups of warmed whole milk
  • 1/2 stick of butter 
  • 1/2 cup of flour
  • A pinch of nutmeg
  • 1 tpsp salt
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • For the Coating
  • 3 beaten eggs
  • 2 cups of bread crumbs
  • 1/2 cup of seasoned flour (I add a pinch of salt and a few grinds of black pepper)
  • 2 cups of oil for frying ( I use canola oil)
  1. Instructions
  2. For the Filling:
  3. Warm up the milk in a pan over a low/medium heat until warm. 
  4. Peel and finely chop the onion.
  5. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a wide pan and sweat the finely chopped onions for 10 minutes or until translucent.
  6. Remove onions from the pan and place in a sieve over a bowl to let the excess oil drain off.
  7. Melt the butter in the same pan over medium/high heat. Once bubbling and melted add the flour and stir vigorously until it cooks into a thick paste for 2 minutes.
  8. Gradually add the warmed milk 1 cup at a time and stir into the roux and stir continuously. It is very important to keep stirring to avoid a lumpy bechamel!
  9. Keep slowly adding the milk whilst stirring continuously for around 20 minutes.
  10. When the bechamel has formed a thick paste (not a bechamel sauce) remove from heat to cool completely. You can test this by lifting some of the bechamel out of the pan with a spoon. To test simply tip the spoon and the mixture should stick to it.
  11. Once cool add the drained onions, shredded chicken, nutmeg and salt to taste. Mix well.
  12. Chill for at least 5 hours or ideally over night.
  13. For the Forming and Coating:
  14. Remove mixture from the refrigerator and shape each croquette using a desert spoon or by rolling into long sausage-shape and cutting into pieces. Having damp hands to handle the bechamel dough definitely helps here.
  15. Coat the croquettes first in flour, then egg and finally in breadcrumbs. 
  16. Heat the remaining oil in a pan to a high heat but not to smoking point. Fry the croquettes on all sides for 1 minute or so on each side. 
  17. Once fried place on a paper towel to absorb the excess oil.
  18. Serve and enjoy! Watch out as they are super hot straight after frying!

Top Tips

  • I use a quick and tried and tested method to form the croquettes into their classic shape. But these can be formed easily with a large spoon and then by hand. You can also use an ice cream scoop and form them into balls. 
  • The croquettes need to be fried on a high heat. If the oil is not hot enough they will start to ooze their filling. If this happens turn the heat up slightly. 
  • Any left over protein is perfect for this recipe. I have used pulled pork, lamb shoulder and beef cheek meat before. The meat just needs to be shredded well before being mixed into the cold bechamel paste.

Chicken Croquettes – Croquetas de Pollo

Golden and crunchy on the outside, soft and creamy in the middle bursting with tender chicken ‘Croquetas de Pollo’ Chicken Croquettes are a family favorite. Perfect for any occasion. As if you need the excuse!